Work > Art

Mixed Media Collage Print on Hahnemuhle's William Turner paper and mounted to wood canvas
Mixed Media Collage
20" x 20" x 1.5"

The image Bastien is the middle of this process or the lynch pin accepting the reality of death, one of the needs of mourning. It also acknowledges my understanding of my own privilege and blood debt, while remembering generational grief and systemic oppression continues without relief. And the ledger numbers continue to grow. In WW2, six million Jews (one million being Jewish children) and an additional five million non - Jewish including Gypsies, Poles, Communists, homosexuals, Soviet POWs and the mentally or physically disabled were killed. To give this some perspective, if we gave one minute of silence just for every victim of the Holocaust then there would be silence for eleven and a half years. Yet, this doesn’t account for the ripple of harm across the globe this event created. Now take into account other horrific conflicts in relation to grief.

Mixed Media Collage printed on Hahnemuhle's William Turner paper and mounted to wood canvas. Shipping included in price.